Create an account
How to create an account on Homadorma?
Listing your homestay on Homadorma is simple and always free. Here's a step-by step tutorial of how to list your place:
- If you haven't signed up on Homadorma, Sign up here: Register as a host
Fill out your phone number and property address, and click "NEXT"
Select the number of your family member, including yourself and all your family member living in the household. Fill out your preferred name, gender, year of birth, continent of birth and occupation category, and click "NEXT"
Select your property type and languages usually spoken at home. If you have cats, dogs or any other pets, feel free to include them in your family. Then click "NEXT"
Select the number of your ground/upper floor student rooms and basement student rooms. Set a monthly price of your homestay. Then click "FINISH"
Note: You can go to your profile manage page to update your homestay information. There are also some optional questions you can fill out, such as your preferences, self Introduction and regulations, meal content. More details will help students know your homestay better.
Can't find your answer? Get in touch with our team-we are here to help.