I’m an ELL teacher at Langley school district, master degree from SFU. My husband is the Vice President of a real estate company, bachelor degree from UBC. Our daughter is 10. My mom lives with us and takes care of the house. Our cat’s name is Tigger and he’s very friendly. We love to travel, try yummy food, sports and movies Willoughby房子招homestay学生 女主人是Langley教育局ELL老师,加籍华人,SFU硕士。先生是物业管理副总,白人,UBC学士学位。女儿10岁。外婆是女主人妈妈。Opa,Oma是女儿的加拿大爷爷奶奶,不住在家里,但是周末会聚。 负责一日三餐,和学校沟通。因为女主人在教育局工作,学生学校事情很好处理和沟通。如果需要课后补课,可以和女主人商量。 房子一共3层,8房,5个洗手间。近RE MOUNTAIN 和WALNUT GROVE,可以接送。学生和主人住楼上,有自己独立的洗手间。高速上网。点心零食饿了就吃。 homestay的目的:给女儿找个哥哥姐姐一起玩,一起学习;同时帮助国际学生适应新环境,好好过度到新的学校。 家庭兴趣爱好:冰球,滑冰,游泳,品尝美食,旅游,看棒球,篮球和橄榄球比赛,健身,看电影 家里有一只橙色的猫,名字叫Tigger,很温顺
Age Range: 40-49 Continent of Birth: Asia Occupation Category: Education services |
Age Range: 30-39 Continent of Birth: North America Occupation Category: Real estate and rental and leasing |
Age Range: 10-19 Continent of Birth: North America Occupation Category: Retired, student or unemployed |
Age Range: 60-69 Continent of Birth: Asia Occupation Category: Retired, student or unemployed |
Host prepares breakfast for student noodles/congee or western style |
Host prepares lunch for student Rice with 3 dishes |
Bed · Mirror · Desk · Lamp · Wardrobe
Water · Electricity · Heating · Wifi · TV · Washer Dryer
Natella's Homestay
CAD 900/month
Rooms: 1 | Distance: 4.9 km
Won's Homestay
CAD 1050/month
Rooms: 2 | Distance: 0.7 km
Carrie's Homestay
CAD 1000/month
Rooms: 1 | Distance: 4.6 km
Jamie's Homestay
CAD 1100/month
Rooms: 1 | Distance: 5.9 km
John's Homestay
CAD 850/month
Rooms: 4 | Distance: 2.9 km
Elaine's Homestay
CAD 1800/month
Rooms: 1 | Distance: 2.7 km
Gregor's Homestay
CAD 900/month
Rooms: 1 | Distance: 2.3 km
Lindsay's Homestay
CAD 1300/month
Rooms: 1 | Distance: 2.8 km