Rita 的寄宿家庭
房源编号: HS104554

语言: 英语,中文


房间 1
  • 地上房
  • 共用卫生间
  • 入住日期:2024 年 6 月 1 日
大约 100 平方英尺

房间 2
  • 地上房
  • 共用卫生间
  • 入住日期:2024 年 6 月 1 日
大约 100 平方英尺

关于 Rita 的家庭
2018年成为住我家网 Richmond 房东

We are experienced with international students for the past 15yrs. Homestay students for just couple of them. We are conveniently located close to a university and few other high schools in the area. Very close to several bus stops that will take you to the skytrain station to Vancouver. 翻译



0 猫
0 狗

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Western style: cereals with milk, fruits, eggs, toast. Chinese style, congee, soya milk with Chinese donuts.

sandwich, noodles rice

Asian style cooking mostly. Excellent with stir-fried type of meal. Since i am with a Cantonese background. I loved stir frying my food. I also make western food once in awhile. My family are mostly lactose, therefore, not so much with cheese type of ingredients cooking. But will have that provided if needed.



床垫 · 镜子 · 书桌 · 台灯 · 衣柜


水 · 电 · 暖 · 无线互联网 · 电视 · 洗衣干衣机


  • 只接受女生
  • 可接待17岁以上的学生
  • 不接待吸烟的学生

    1. Our expectations are that you will be at school on time everyday. That means being in bed at a decent time and being considerate to everyone in this house. We go to bed around 10pm because We are up early needing you to be quiet around then.

    2. Curfew for all of you during the week is no later than 10pm. The nights you have school. Curfew on the weekends is 1am.

    3. Showering-if you are showering at night, please shower before 10pm, 10pm is the same as your curfew so if you plan to shower at night, then you need to be home before 10pm.

    4. Dinner- If you aren't home for dinner we need you to let know ahead of time. Text us if you go out after school and if you are having dinner at home. If you are eating later, that is fine. But we don't want you to eating at 11pm at night. My bedroom is above the kitchen and I can hear everything.

    5. Laundry--If you do laundry be considerate and finished up and tidy up within the same day so others have their turns and not having to clean after you.

    6. Cleaning the washroom--you will clean after usage since you'll be sharing, be considerate. You will alternate each week who clean it. Make sure this done on Sunday same Day we expect you to vacuum and clean your room. This also includes emptying your garbage cans in your room and bathroom.

    7. Washroom in the mornings--you will share the bathroom with each other so please don't spend a lot of time in there in the mornings, especially if you are showering. Clean up after yourselves especially in the bathroom, including hair on the floor and in the shower etc. you are all sharing the bathroom so please keep it tidying help each other out.

    8. Kitchen usage--when using the kitchen which is the common area, make sure tidy up after each usage, no overnight dishes are allow un-washed in sink.

    9. No eating in your rooms and don't throw food in your garbages in your rooms. Put all food wrappers in the garbage in the kitchen.





    Pat 的住家
    1350 加元
    房间: 2 | 距离: 4.6 公里

    Jenni 的住家
    1600 加元
    房间: 3 | 距离: 4.2 公里

    Tracy 的住家
    1600 加元
    房间: 1 | 距离: 1.5 公里

    Auldrey 的住家
    950 加元
    房间: 1 | 距离: 5.9 公里

    Hanna 的住家
    1000 加元
    房间: 1 | 距离: 3.7 公里

    Jr 的住家
    950 加元
    房间: 4 | 距离: 5 公里

    Grace 的住家
    1500 加元
    房间: 2 | 距离: 1.2 公里

    Agnes 的住家
    950 加元
    房间: 2 | 距离: 5.4 公里

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